Who am I?
Hello new reader!
My name is Harshini Rajachander and I cover news and culture within the tech industry. My journey towards writing was not straight forward. As a teenager I gave up my love for stories to walk down the path of engineering and tech. In my early to mid twenties I worked in the AI and self-driving industry, all the while reading, learning and experiencing life in the capitalistic system.
I did not like what I found.
If you would like to learn more about me, please check out my personal website. My story and decision to leave the tech industry was published in the The Smart Set magazine. My essays have also appeared in national publications such as India Currents and Fair Observer.
About FWIT:
Fourth Waver in Tech is a critical cultural study of the tech industry. With an unforgiving eye and cutting commentary, this publication exposes the reality behind some of the tech that underpins our modern lives. Told by an ex-AI engineer and an immigrant of color, this newsletter promises to deliver a fresh feminist perspective and an unyielding voice for those in the margins of Big Tech and capitalistic American society.
Topics covered
Impact of growth-driven technologies - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Exploring the effects of capitalism in business and life.
Biases in Tech and the need for Ethical AI.
Building Regenerative Businesses with a focus on the Global South, specifically my own country - India.
How Immigration has been Weaponized into a tool for Worker Control.
Some of my top posts:
State of the Self-Driving Industry in 2024 and my own experience working in the same.
How we can actually tackle the diversity crisis.
On Culture: Decoding Perks and Benefits and Performance Reviews.
Women in Business: The Rise of the No-Option Entrepreneur
Capitalism & Tech: About Stock Buybacks
Thanks again for being here! This publication is possible only due to your support and encouragement. All my posts are currently free. I would love it and be doubly delighted if you subscribe and share my posts.